1916 Spanish Mauser Serial Numbers
For those who have liked the general looks of the much-used Spanish 1916 short Mauser carbines but never saw one in decent shape, those tasty light short Mauser carbines that were armory-converted from the old 1893 7x57 Spanish mauser long guns and intentionally given a cartridge that was NOT the standard 7.62x51 NATO round, it was a much milder 30 caliber round intended for Spanish semi-auto CETME rifles and CETME light machine guns, a round that was called the 7.62x51 CETME when it came out (prior to the adoptation of the NATO standard round by Spain) then do I have a mystery gun for you. It is NOT a Guardia Civil M1893 rebuilt into a M1916 carbine. It bears no crest at all. It has not been sanded or resurfaced to remove the old crest either. It has a DEEPLY stamped OT-5 digit serial number on each and every external part.
Jan 20, 2009. Based on the serial number it appears to be an 'OT' series. Download Google Maps For Blackberry Z10 more. Rifle looks to. There seem to be a 'few' different Model 93 Mausers as well as 1916 models which were rebarreled from 7x57. Any educated. There was also an article in Guns & Ammo talking all about the 1916 Spanish Mausers. I know there is.
There is no way these numbers could have been post processed into an old 1893 action unless they had been drawn back to dead soft and then sanded, polished, stamped and then reheat-treated. Fit and finish says these actions were never sanded. The guns have a generous gas port in the side of the action but follow faithfully the original M1893 Mauser pattern otherwise, complete with the flat bottomed early bolt face. The gas port was not cut in with a milling machine after the fact like the Guardia Civil rebuilds, it shows all the signs of being polished with the action, blended edges and all. Download Ost My Heart Sctv. BTW, a bit of research shows the OT - marking is the Spanish military designation for the full power 7.62x51 NATO round.
This gun was scratch built (using old or new parts???) by Olivido Arsenal after full NATO adoption by Spain. The guns are immaculate miliary dark blued on all items, including the bolt itself (all Guardias were buffed steel bolts).
The wood is serialized and has never been sanded and refinished (the stock is bulky and all the fixtures are sub-flush to the wood (ie the wood is new). All the serial numbers match.
The bore is a virgin with all the fine hook rifling marks still in evidence on all surfaces. There is no mercuric primer barrel pitting, there is no rust at all inside these tubes. The bolt face completely lacks the mercuric primer pocket ring around the firing pin hole too. These guns never saw corrosive primers.