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The ENVIROMUX® Enterprise Environment Monitoring System (EMS) monitors critical environmental conditions, such as temperature, humidity, liquid water presence, power, intrusion, and smoke. When a sensor goes out of range of a configurable threshold, the system will notify you via email, LEDs, alarm beacon, siren, web page, network management (SNMP), voice phone calls (via Automatic Voice Dialer System), and SMS messages (via external USB 3G modem). The system includes two internal sensors: temperature and humidity. It also supports five external configurable sensors, five digital input sensors, and two output relays for control of external devices. The ENVIROMUX® Enterprise Environment Monitoring System (EMS) monitors critical environmental conditions, such as temperature, humidity, liquid water presence, power, intrusion, and smoke. When a sensor goes out of range of a configurable threshold, the system will notify you via email, LEDs, alarm beacon, siren, web page, network management (SNMP), voice phone calls (via Automatic Voice Dialer System), and SMS messages (via external USB 3G modem).
The system includes two internal sensors: temperature and humidity. It also supports five external configurable sensors, five digital input sensors, and two output relays for control of external devices.
• Monitor and manage server room environmental and security conditions over IP. • Sensors supported: • 5 external configurable sensors • 5 digital inputs sensitive to contact closure • 8 • ENVIROMUX-MICRO-T: 1 integrated temperature sensor, 2 RJ45 ports for external temperature/humidity sensors, 2 digital inputs sensitive to contact closure, dual DC power (dual redundancy).
• ENVIROMUX-MICRO-TRHP: 1 integrated temperature/humidity combination sensor, 2 RJ45 ports for external temperature/humidity sensors, 2 digital inputs sensitive to contact closure, built-in Power over Ethernet (POE), dual DC power (triple redundancy). • 2 internal sensors - temperature and humidity • Two output relays for control of external devices. • Relay activates upon alarm or via the user interface.
• Control output relays via SNMP SET commands to power on/off external devices. • Supports IP network video cameras for live view of any facility. • One integrated view – see different Web cameras side-by-side with physical and environmental parameters. • Any programmed event can trigger a snapshot from an IP camera. • Monitor (ping) up to 64 IP network devices.
Imsai Arasan 23am Pulikesi Mp3 Songs Free Download. • Alerts are sent if devices are not responding • Linux inside. • Create multiple alerts for any installed sensor.
• Sensor conditions (events) can be configured to trigger alerts by themselves, and/or be used in combination with other events to trigger Smart Alerts. • Configure up to 50 events. • Setup SSH commands to be sent when events are triggered to soft shutdown or reboot machines. • Up to 20 Smart Alerts can be configured to use different event combinations to send alert messages.
• Alerts are posted in message log, which is accessible through Web user interface. • Automatically configures network settings received from a connected DHCP server. • If a DHCP server is not found, the default static IP address will be used. • Integrates with various Open Source monitoring packages – Nagios and MRTG. • The unit can be polled via SNMP. • USB ports for connecting USB modem or for downloading log data to USB flash drive. • Available with optional internal battery backup.
• Alerts are sent when there is a power outage and when power returns. • Dual redundant power supplies for connection to two separate power sources • The second power supply is sold separately.