Advanced Checkers
Learning Checkers Opening Principles, An Example Learning Checkers Opening Principles – A Clear Example On my about how beginners can quickly become more effective checker players, using what I think is a new method (and for which I modestly take credit!) I talked about the 'opening study' controversy. Should beginners study openings, or not? My conclusion was that a certain amount of knowledge is important, as long as that knowledge is based on principles rather than pure rote memorization (which is, in fact, harmful and confusing).
I think an example is worthwhile as an illustration. Let's take an opening known as The Switcher. It is supposed to be good for Red and bad for White, and in fact, that is indeed the case. The Switcher comes about after 11-15, 21-17?, 9-13! And looks like this: Well, there's something to learn right away, and that is as White don't play 21-17 in response to 11-15! Presentation Assistant Ultimate Keygen more.