Dell Inspiron 6400 Driver Base System Device
SetPoint 4.80: SetPoint 4.80 Bluetooth: SetPoint 4.80 BT: SetPoint 6.00 'HP DesignJet 4500 Series HP-GL/2 and HP RTL 64 Bit Driver *. Fisher Price Abc Sing Along Download on this page. Dell Inspiron 6400 - Three Unknown Base System Devices I am not a fan of. If you have an Inspiron 6400 and have noticed three Base System Devices in the device manager, then I will explain how to correct that issue in this post. 520 Plantronics Driver Windows 7. I went onto the Dell support Web site and downloaded the drivers to the local hard drive.
I called Dell and got 'Austin' in India who was no help - 15 minutes trying to get him to understand my email address, and another 60 making no progress on the problem. He said eventually that he had no idea what to do. I then asked for his supervisor (named 'Alex), who spent another 30 minutes - including directly connecting to my machine and reinstalling everything himself. He then told me that since it shipped originally with Media Center Edition 2005, and I had installed XP Pro, Dell 'would not support this issue'. He then told me that I would have to go to the paid support line to get help with this. I was feeling real good about purchasing the premium 4 year warranty at this point.