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Name: Pokemon The Strongest Pure White Remake by: esperance Remake from: Pokemon Emerald Description: Introduction: It is a Chinese language hacked game, the Rom base is Pokemon Emerald 2011 Chinese Translated Version. You Cannot Serialize Or Unserialize Pdo Instances more. In Pokemon The Strongest Pure White v5.0, the Map is based on US's Los Angeles, if you have been to LA before, you can found there is pretty good city. is a website. We want to give pokemon entertainment that best suits you, all for free! Jun 12, 2016. DOWNLOAD POKEMON ROMS FOR GBA FOR FREE. WE HAVE A WIDE COLLECTION OF LATEST POKEMON ROM HACKS WHICH ARE DIRECTLY AVAILABLE IN ZIP FORMAT. Classic game similar to: Pokemon Old White game. Pokemon Black and White. Pokemon Never Black & White (beta 1). Black and White. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Jimmy White's Cueball. De Que Color Es Tu Paracaidas Libro Pdf Love. Snow White in Happily.
In the west of LA, there are ocean, beach, big town; In the middle LA, there are forest, grass, short mountain, river; In the east of LA, there are big mountain, dead volcano, desert. So we can write a lot of stories for LA. In additionally, I have added a new region, it is a huge mountain, this story is about the altitude. The mountain has been included three parts, there are General mountain, Volcano and Snow berg. Also, there are different of weathers in this region, After you succeessfully climb this mountain, you will be allowed to take a rocket to go to the moon or the sun, both of them has a specific city.