Install Centos Desktop

From here we can choose any package group we wish to install. In our case we are interested in Server with GUI or GNOME Desktop. The difference between both Server with GUI and GNOME Desktop package groups is that Server with GUI will along GNOME GUI also install some extra server packages. The get more. Dec 1, 2015 - 29 min - Uploaded by adul dulmaHow to Install CentOS 7 With GUI (GNOME Desktop).
Information This page has instructions on installing CentOS Linux on your Mac for the first time to use with Parallels Desktop. Article will first describe Express installation method and then give step-bystep instructions to manual install CentOS Linux on Parallels Desktop virtual machine ( VM ). Need For Speed Underground 2 Unlock Everything Pc Mod Tools. Resolution Express Installation. How to install hwinfo (hardware information tool) on Fedora 19/20 and CentOS 5/6 based linux systems.
The CentOS 6 official software repositories has PHP 5.3 which has reached end of life and no longer actively maintained by the developers. To keep up with the latest features and security updates, you need a newer (probably the latest) version of PHP on your CentOS 6 system. If you’re looking to install different versions of PHP in CentOS 6, go through the following article. • For the purpose of this guide, we will be operating the system as root, if that is not the case for you, make use of the to acquire root privileges. Installing PHP 7 on CentOS 7 1. To install latest PHP 7, you need to add EPEL and Remi repository to your CentOS 6 system like so. # yum install # yum install 2.
Now install yum-utils, a group of useful tools that enhance yum’s default package management features. Yum-utils can be used for manipulating package repositories and additional package management operations such as enabling or disabling packages without any manual configuration by a system administrator. You can install it as follows: # yum install yum-utils 3. In this step, you need to enable Remi repository using yum-config-manager utility, as the default repository for installing PHP. # yum-config-manager --enable remi-php70 [ Install PHP 7.0] If you want to install PHP 7.1 or PHP 7.2 on CentOS 6, just enable it as shown. # yum-config-manager --enable remi-php71 [ Install PHP 7.1] # yum-config-manager --enable remi-php72 [ Install PHP 7. Systems Layers Rapidshare Library. Tom Myers Anatomy Trains Pdf To Word. 2] 4. Then finally install PHP 7 on CentOS 6 with all necessary PHP modules using the following command.