Kashful Asrar By Khomeini Pdf Printer
Nova Ebook Gre Download Free. We have collected some references from the book of Khomeini “Kashaful Asrar” for the Sunni Muslims who are deceived by the Shias that Khomeini was a person who wanted unity between Shias and Sunnis and similar stuff. Khomeini abused Prophet (s) and his sahaba in his book “Kashaful Asrar” in the worst way possible. Khomeini writes regarding the third Caliph Uthman: We worship that God and recognise only Him as God whose acts are based on mature wisdom and who does not do anything against the dictates of wisdom. Nor do we recognise such God who having built the edifice of justice and piety on the exalted foundation of devotion to God, Himself paves the way for its destruction and ruin, and hands over leadership and governance to such oppressors and scoundrels as Yazeed, Mu’awiyah and Uthman.

Aug 28, 2017. Quran & Naats MP3 Urdu Islamic Websites Audio Download. The passage from Kashful Asrar in which Khomeini has stated that the prohibition of Muta by Hazrat.Kashful Asrar By Khomeini Pdf Creator.. Emule 050a Download Gratis Italiano Insurance. Kashful Asrar By Khomeini In Urdu Pdf Download.. Puthiya geethai songs free download. Kashful asrar - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free.
Kashaful Asrar, p. 107 Than Khomeini titles a chapter “Abu Bakr’s opposition to Quran” Under this heading, Khomeini says: “If you hold that in case the Caliphate and Imamate of Hazrat Ali had been mentioned, in so many words, in the Quran, Shaykhain (i.e Abu Bakr and Umar) could not go against it, and if they tried to do so, the general body of Muslims would not have tolerated it (then it would be pure wishful thinking). We will give a few examples, here, of how they acted and gave decisions in open violation of the dictates of the Quran and the Muslims accepted them and not a voice of protest was raised.” Kashaful Asrar, p. 114-115 Than Khomeini titles the next chapter “Umar’s opposition to Quran” He says ” Here we will mention Umar’s opposition to Quran and will show that opposition to Quran was not a huge thing for him. And if the word “Imam” had been clearly mentioned in the Quran, he would still have opposed it.” Kashaful Asrar, p.
117 Than after he mentions Hadith-e-Qirtas (Tradition of the Paper), and after referring to the traditional Shi’ite interpretation of the remark made by Hazrat Omar on that occasion, he says: “this absurd remark showed the kufr (i.e disbelief) and heterodoxy of the person who is opposed to so many verses of the Quran”. Kashaful Asrar, p. 119 The doomed Khomeini says the Prophet (s) was afraid in preaching the Imamate of Ali because of the opposition party, indirectly labelling Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and others as the opposition party, and says they were hungry for the government, rather he says they embraced Islam for this very purpose. “From these evidences and large number of ahadith, we come to know that the Prophet (s) feared the people regarding the preaching of Imamate (of Ali).