Robert Buettner Epub Format
The best part of parenting (so far)? Helping your kids overcome things you struggled with. It’s at least in the top 5. Last Saturday my daughter came home from dance class—something she normally loves—and seemed upset. A bit of prodding led to the cause: a girl in her dance class told her she was “as fat as a hippopotamus. Mahjong Free Download Windows 8. ” My first reaction ( note to self: probably not the right one) was to laugh out loud, given that my daughter is probably in the 10 th percentile of weight for her age. I’m worried she’s too skinny! Of course I realized quickly the “facts” were irrelevant in this case.
Her body habitus was moot. But her feelings were hurt, and as we all know this wouldn’t be last time someone said something to her—true or untrue—that would hurt her feelings. I won’t go through the entire discussion we had, as I’m sure those of you with kids have already been through this, and those of you without kids probably aren’t worrying about this type of interaction. I did, however, decide to tell her about all the people who dislike me and say mean things about me, usually things that aren’t true. She was shocked, “Like what, daddy?” I gave example after example.