Securecrt Mac Serial

I was using serial cable console cable to connect divices, with Secure CRT now my new laptop dos not have a serial port, so I need to use a console cable with a usb end, but I cant see a option on SecureCRT to connect with a USB, is any one know, or is it possible to use a USB console cable to connect.
Hi ids, What command are you using to establish a Serial connection using screens? Sherlock Holmes on this page. Would you post trace options output of a failing connection in SecureCRT 7.3 official? To enable trace options output, click on the File pull down menu and select Trace Options. If you click the File pull down menu again you should see a check mark next to Trace Options, indicating that trace options output is now enabled.

With Trace Options enabled, you will notice debugging information displayed in the terminal window that isn't normally there by default when SecureCRT is attempting to establish a connection, and at certain times throughout the lifetime of the connection. Once the problem occurs, you can use the Select All and Copy options from within the Edit menu to transfer the information to the Windows clipboard, and then paste this information into a text editor and save the data as a file. Nikon Dtm A20 Manually. Balsa Usa North Star Manual Therapy on this page. Hi All, This was resolved by using the proper driver. SecureCRT is not designed to use a tty driver. It is designed to use a calling unit ( cu) driver.