Wow Gm Addon Downloads

I created a ticket a couple hours ago to consult with a GM as to whether or not this addon is allowed within Blizzard's policies, and they suggested I ask here. I don't fully know how the addon works, but I've heard things about the functionality of it being unachievable in WoW's current addon API or whatever.
My question is basically, is this addon acceptable to use or is it something that'll likely get disabled by Blizzard soon? Ticket text: A new addon came out recently and I was wondering if it's safe to use with the current Blizzard Addon policy. I've read things about addons like this being disabled due to how the Blizzard API works, and I wanted to consult with a GM before I downloaded the addon. (I've heard stories about people using addons and then being banned retroactively for using them after Blizzard changed the policy, and I value my account too much to risk it like that ' - ' ). Serial Number Phone Clean For Iphones. If there's an add-on, and you can download it from curse and simply drag and drop into the AddOns folder, and everything works properly, then it means that everything the add-on does is possible within the scope of what Blizzard allows with their API. If it required you to do other external modifications to your game client, then it wouldn't be allowed, but it only requires unzipping it into the AddOns folder.
Add-ons can't bypass API limitations on their own. Everything this add-on does seems to be information that's already available on the screen without add-ons, it just condenses it into an easier-to-see grid. If they change their mind on things, then they just disable those functions in their API to break the add-ons. They don't ban people for using add-ons that do stuff that's possible within the API.